Carl Blahnik would like to thank everyone that attended his backhoe party on the seven mile bridge. It was a rip roaring shindig... $30,000 extravaganza!
A special plug for his fellow Wisconsin residents and also those who made the trip from his current neighborhood, "a wooded area near Coco Plum Beach."
Sheriff Rick Ramsay attended. He was quoted saying...." Blahnik's skill at making tight turns and working the backhoe's scoop to rip up road reflectors over three miles of the bridge was quite impressive."
Thank you also to tax payers for providing funding for Carl's..." year in prison and a year on parole after his 2012 arrest for felony battery in Lake County, Ill."
And also for future funding of his charges:
- vehicle theft
-reckless driving
- fleeing from law officers
- aggravated assault
- littering and damaging U.S. 1.
- driving on a suspended license
- driving an unregistered vehicle and not having proper lights for night driving
- possession of undersized, out of season, pinched, lobsters...... (jk)
Here's the video!